mother holding baby

Postpartum Skin & Hair Concerns

Having a baby comes with many life changes. Most of them are on the positive side; oh look! You now have a bouncing bundle of joy – all yours!

Some changes though, not so positive; puking on your shirt, changing diapers fifteen times a day or what the bearing of your little angel inside your belly has caused to your skin…

Below, we present the most common ones:


Stretch marks

During these 9 months the body is stretched to its limits and beyond creating the infamous “tiger stripes”. You might have been cautious enough to apply a deep nourishing cream to prevent the forming of them or perhaps, despite all efforts, you still got some that you would like to get rid of.

In their infancy (pun intended!), stretch marks are pink-ish and much easier to erase significantly if not completely. It is highly advised to apply a specialized cream that reduces the appearance of stretch marks 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the stretch marks.

Cracked nipples

Breastfeeding leaves nipples sore, sensitive, even cracked also known as nipple fissures.

It doesn’t get the same hype that stretch marks do, but amongst breastfeeding women you’ll often hear about it. Correct breastfeeding position will reduce the soreness and the baby won’t bite as much.


Especially if your skin is on the darker side, you are even more susceptible to suffer from a hormonal discoloration called melasma. The cause is mainly hormonal, so there’s so much you can do to prevent them, but the daily application of sunscreen can be of tremendous help. However, bleaching treatments with the guidance of your doctor, are advised to alleviate its appearance.

Loose skin

No one loves their saggy belly skin after birth.

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Give Your Skin the Best Chance against Pregnancy Stretch Marks

As previously mentioned, during pregnancy, the skin stretches to accommodate your growing baby.

Due to this overstretching, collagen fibers rupture and, as a consequence, skin loosens (also giving birth to stretch marks). After this, the skin will be very hard to shrink back to its initial shape and form.

There’s obviously a good reason, mommy makeovers are so popular in the field of plastic surgery, but if you want to avoid going under the knife whatsoever, then opt for a firming body cream that was specially designed for the postpartum woman and contains no caffeine, silicones or iodine.

Telogen effluvium

Feels like you’re losing it? Like, literally! Oh, worry not, it’s only temporary! Hair loss after birth, is normal and quite a common thing. Due to hormonal changes, you might observe increased hair loss also known as telogen effluvium. This increased shedding usually resolves itself between 6 to 8 months after birth. Using specialized products that strengthen the hair follicle or stimulate hair growth will help with the temporary shedding.


Right when you thought it was a thing of the past, and your new skin concern from now on would be “fine lines getting less fine” over time… it hits you. This huge, red, angry pimple is staring back at you…

Again, pregnancy is a hormone cocktail that can also cause acne. Again, this is also temporary, and applying an acne-fighting cream that will be compatible with the breastfeeding period, will help significantly with the symptoms.