Easy Advice to Help Care for Your Feet

Our feet support the weight of our entire bodies; this means they need constant care to prevent foot problems developing.

Around 9 in 10 people in the UK have a foot problem, which can lead to knee, hip and back pain, and even trouble walking, so keeping your feet healthy is essential.

Although it’s easy to neglect your feet, especially in the winter months, spending just a few minutes a day caring from them can keep them in good condition.

Wash your feet

Wash your feet daily in warm water; do not soak them as this can dehydrate them and breakdown the skin’s natural oils.

Dry them thoroughly

After washing your feet make sure you dry them thoroughly, paying particular attention to the skin between the toes as this is where fungal infections, including athletes foot, can develop.

Moisturise and file

Moisturise your feet using your chosen foot cream, we suggest Frezyfeet Keractive Cream, which is great at removing and soothing dead and rough skin. Gently file away any remaining dead skin using a pumice stone.

Cut toe nails

Regularly trim your toenails using nail clippers. Cut them in a straight line as cutting them at an angle can cause ingrown toenails.

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Pick the right shoes

High heels can cause a range of problems including blisters, corns and calluses, as well as exacerbating foot and back pain. Try to limit heel wearing to special occasions only and wear them for 3-8 hours at a time.

Try not to wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. Your shoes absorb perspiration from your feet, so they need time to dry out. To help keep them extra fresh you can spray the insides of your shoes with Frezyfeet Odor Stop Spray.

To find out more about how to care for your feet take a look at FREZYDERM range of foot creams and spray.