
The Difference Between UVA and UVB in Sun Care ProductsThe Difference Between UVA and UVB in Sun Care Products

The Difference Between UVA and UVB in Sun Care Products

With the growing risk of skin cancer, protecting yourself against the sun has become more important than ever before. We’ve…

7 years ago
Are you using the right SPF for your skin type?Are you using the right SPF for your skin type?

Are you using the right SPF for your skin type?

Summertime has finally arrived. Which can mean only one thing: sun, and lots of it. But before you shed all…

7 years ago
What Are You Doing to Protect Your Skin this Summer?What Are You Doing to Protect Your Skin this Summer?

What Are You Doing to Protect Your Skin this Summer?

Whether you’re going on holiday to somewhere hot and sunny or just staying home this summer, it’s important to take…

8 years ago
How to Care for Your Skin in SummerHow to Care for Your Skin in Summer

How to Care for Your Skin in Summer

Summer is finally here! Which means long, languid days in the park, beach trips, festivals and all manner of outdoorsy,…

8 years ago
What exactly is SPF?What exactly is SPF?

What exactly is SPF?

We know that sunlight beams down UVA (ultra violet A) and UVB (ultra violet B) at varying degrees of intensity…

8 years ago
Why It’s Important to Wear SPF All Year RoundWhy It’s Important to Wear SPF All Year Round

Why It’s Important to Wear SPF All Year Round

Wearing some sun protection all year round, not just in the summer (and certainly not just when you fly away…

8 years ago
Infographic: British Attitudes to Sun SafetyInfographic: British Attitudes to Sun Safety

Infographic: British Attitudes to Sun Safety

For Sun Awareness Week 2016, the British Association of Dermatologists have done a survey into Brits' relationship with sunscreen -…

9 years ago