Easy Hairstyles for your Kids

Kids hair is often both cute and crazy. With little ones often being impatient and fidgety, it can be a real struggle to style your child’s hair before school, making the mornings a lot more of a battle than you’re quite ready for before you’ve even had a coffee.

We’ve picked our favourite stylish and simple hairstyles for you to try on your kids, hopefully making your day a little bit easier.


Top braid

This simple and easy look is both pretty and effective. Gather the top midsection of your child’s hair from the forehead to the crown, loosely section into three and braid them loosely into a plait.

Not only does this take no time at all but it’s a wonderful way to keep your little girl’s hair out of her eyes whilst she’s playing.


Curly hair puff

An oh-so-simple style for girls with naturally curly and/or African-Caribbean hair is the puff.

After washing the hair with one of our Sensitive Kids Shampoos, gently towel dry the hair.

Apply a generous amount of Sensitive Kids Magic Spray to detangle knotted hair whilst giving the hair essential moisture and come through gently.

Using a little bit of our Sensitive Kids Styling Gel, apply a finger full to the sides of the hair around the head and smooth with a natural bristle brush.

Gather the hair on top of the head and hold in place using either a hairband or bow. Gently finger tweeze the ends of the hair for full definition.


Double bun

This look won’t take long at all and is perfect for everyday or for special occasions.

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To create this hairstyle, separate the hair into two sections on the head with a parting (if you wish) down the centre of the head.

Create two ponytails using hairbands and brush each ponytail to make sure it’s nice and smooth. Then gently twist a ponytail into a coil and use a hair pin or two to hold into place. Do the same with the other one et voila! Your daughter’s double bun look is done.


Modern pageboy

An updated classic for kids, is the modern pageboy haircut. Mid length hair is cut choppy at the front and left long at the sides.

This hairstyle works really well with kids who have thin and straight hair as it shows off a nice shine.

Use a spritz of Sensitive Kids Magic Spray to detangle and condition the hair for an easy wash-and-wear style that’s perfect for little boys.


Sleek side part

A timeless classic that has come back in style for both men and boys is the sleek side part. Perfect for little boys with mid-length hair and a tapered cut to the back and sides.

Comb a side part into the hair (most people prefer a left side part but there is no golden rule. Apply some of our Sensitive Kids Styling Gel to the hair and comb through.

Feel free to use fingers or comb to push up a little quiff for added wow factor.


To see our full range of kid’s styling products go here.