happy family christmas

3 + 1 Christmas family bonding activities!

Christmas is just around the corner.

We’re either on our hunt for the absolute tear-jerking gift or getting ready for some family time.

Christmas holidays are an excellent opportunity to spend some quality time with our loved ones.

If kids are in the picture, then this period is a great opportunity for some bonding family traditions. Growing older, these will be the moments that will be cherished and remembered.


  1. Establish a comfort food tradition

Christmas food is delicious, but for the most part, overly complicated to prepare.

Having your own comfort food tradition another day during the festive days, will create a bond between among family members.

Comfort foods are both yummy and easy to prepare, thus will encourage kids to be involved in the kitchen and learn a useful skill. This tradition could be your yearly thing when, you team up for a homemade heart-warming meal.


  1. Create Christmas Handprints

The best thing about handprints is that there are numerous ways to make use of them.

From creating ornaments for the Christmas tree…

handprint ornament

To making Christmas cards.

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handprint wishing cards

If you ever get tired of handprints, you could move on to making footprints as well…

Looking back, it could be a great way to watch how your children’s hands and feet grew overtime.


  1. Making Christmas Wishing Cards

Taking some time to make some wishing cards will trigger the creative side of your kids as well as yours.

Moreover, if the “rules” include that we make and write each other one card, it will make this activity much more personal and motivating.


  1. Gratitude List

The night before Christmas we all get a piece of paper and write 10 things, we feel grateful for each other. This could include from a kind gesture to personal character traits. This might just be the warmest and fuzziest bonding activities of the ones mentioned.