Is your baby’s crying, Colic?
Your baby used to be the most angelic of them all. It was smiley and cuddly and used to sleep like a log.
However, lately your baby darling seems wary, cries and nags at any given moment.
Perhaps it was between the 3rd to 6th week when it all started…
Newborns are supposed to cry a lot, but if your precious one’s cry sounds more like a high-pitched scream, then it may be colic!
So, how would you know that this is a case of colic?
The experts say that colic goes by the rule of three: crying more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, for at least 3 consecutive weeks, however you might want to look for signs that indicate the appearance of colic before that.
- Crying
Your baby’s tears are its way to communicate with you for any sort of inconvenience. Most of the time it reveals your baby’s hunger or tiredness. Other times, it will burst into tears for a dirty nappy, or constipation. However, if your baby’s crying is inconsolable and nothing you do may seem to soothe your little one, it could be colic.
- Body Language
Colic babies tend to clench their fists or bend their arms and legs toward the belly. Their tummy hurts and their body tries to crouch as much as possible.
- Other physical signs to watch out for:
Your baby’s stomach muscles seem tightened, their cheeks awfully red and flushed, while their tummy is bloated? Moreover, when crying, do they release gas? Sometimes gas is trapped when swallowing to much air. All the above are also signs of the uneasiness colic causes.
- On time!
Your baby starts crying every evening or seems to schedule its 3-hour sobbing at a certain time every day? This punctuality could also mean your baby suffers from colic.
Although, there isn’t clear what’s the cause of colic, there are several ways to soothe your baby.
Giving them a belly massage can help relieve your baby; apply a chamomile-infused gel on their tummy, bend the baby’s knees up to their chest for a few seconds to relieve any gases and continue with a gentle clockwise massage. Repeat as many times as needed.
Lots of kissing and cuddling your baby are also required for a calm and soothed baby!